1800 MILENIO 750ml


After a long and delicate aging process in new American oak barrels, the very best tequila of the batch is separated by our expert tequileros and further matured in French Oak ex-cognac barrels creating a balanced, soft, and unique flavor with notes of vanilla, red fruit and cinnamon. A perfect expression of the land that nurtures the fine Weber blue agave and the hands that craft its final liquid, Milenio is considered the best representation of 1800 Tequilas roots and worthy of only those who appreciate the finest tequila. ABV 40% – 80 proof

6 in stock

Category: Type: COGNAC Brand: 1800 MILENIO SKU: SPECIALTY48
Country: MEXICO Product Volume: 750 ML Product Count: 6 Tags: , ,
Weight 2 kg
Product count


Product volume

750 ML